Thursday 24 November 2022

Yandere Princesses Ch3 - Elena, Gentleness Incarnate

Leaving the room, Lin walked along the long corridor of the palace, encountering many knights clad in silver armor and magicians in robes along the way.

Noticing him, most of them would shift slightly to give Lin an easier way.

Lin was indeed a powerless prince, that was completely correct, but the princesses of the royal family took good care of him so no one dared to mess with him.

Occasionally, he could see the contempt in other people's eyes, but he ignored it. There had to be a reason for receiving their favor, and in the eyes of most people, he was taking advantage of them.

But who’s the one taking advantage of the other party?

After seeing that letter and Louise's diary, Lin couldn't tell whether the girls were being kind to him, or simply after his body.

Their eyes were sincere and their smiles were warm.

But Lin worried that bloody reality peeked from behind them.

While wandering in the corridor aimlessly, Lin felt an emptiness in his heart. At this moment, he didn't even want to think about how the letter was delivered to him, or who sent it in the first place.

Recalling the past ten years of his life, he suddenly felt that he should do something about it.

Walking along and passing the corner, Lin saw a slender figure.

Leaning her back against the wall, she lowered her head and flipped through the magic book in her hand. The expression on her face was as gentle as spring rain, silently nourishing hearts*.

A gust of cool wind that came out of nowhere suddenly blew away the tiredness that accumulated in my heart.


Lin subconsciously called out, she was no one else but the second princess of the kingdom, Elena Kleist.

If Louise is the ace of all, then Elena would be the master of magic. In the field of magic, she has already surpassed many a mage of the kingdom.

Elena has silvery-gray hair, pure eyes resembling sapphires, and a stunningly beautiful face that can rival Louise’s to boot.

Her eyebrows, the dimples on her cheeks, and the slight smile that sat at the corners of her mouth all compounded to create her gentle image. In Lin's view, she felt like the embodiment of the concept of gentleness itself. Whenever Lin thinks of this word, the first person he thinks of is her.

Elena intuitively sensing that something was wrong with Lin today, closed the grimoire in her hand, and walked up to him confidently.

The long white dress she wore resembled floating snowflakes, adding a tint of humanity to the bland corridor and Lin's world.

"What's the matter, did something bad happen, are you sick?" Elena stood on tiptoes and pressed the back of her white hand against his forehead.

Her body temperature always seemed to be a bit lower than normal, but Lin could feel the chill of her little hands just by having them touch his forehead.

Elena looked at Lin, still smiling gently, but her expression suggested she was a little worried; seeing that Lin was distracted, she asked again: "Did that bad woman Louise bully you?

You should have known she is bad news, and yet you went to her on your own, you really don't have a long memory. "

Elena was standing very close to Lin and from his point of view, as long as he lowered his head a bit, he could see the full shape of her neckline.

Lin, considering his choices could only move his gaze upwards and meet her scorching gaze again.


Seemingly amused by Lin's reaction, she withdrew her little hand and covered her mouth, concealing a grin.

Elena didn't mean to ridicule him, instead, her smile carried a sense of fondness toward her grown-up younger brother.

Instead of choosing to question Lin, she took a step forward and got closer.

Standing on her toes, she put her hands around Lin's neck, holding the magic book behind Lin's head. She then breathed into Lin's ear: "If you like Jie-jie, you might as well say it out loud. As long as you want me to, I will satisfy you no matter what~"

Not stopping there, she also nibbled on Lin's earlobe, biting it lightly with her white teeth.

Her body was as soft as Louise's, but compared to Louise, she is more gentle and less intrusive.

Like a colorless and odorless poison, the feeling quietly washed over my heart.

Usually, Lin might have pushed her straight away.

But today he didn’t, instead he did the opposite and put his hands around Elena's slender waist, holding her tightly.

He is afraid. Afraid that all of this is just a facade.

If this is all false, then what about his previous life?

Rubbing against Elena with his cheek, he felt the tenderness and coldness of her skin.

He hugged her tightly with both hands, as if he wanted to etch this feeling in the deepest part of his memory. He closed his eyes, and his restless heart was instantly relieved.

Because of Lin's abnormal behavior, Elena was stunned for about two seconds, and when she came back to her senses, she hugged Lin's neck back tightly with her backhand, and the grimoire* she was holding fell to the ground, making a "pomf" sound.

Compared to Lin, even the magic she loves to study doesn’t measure up.

After closing her eyes, Elena's mouth curled up into a smile.


What they didn't notice was that Louise was standing at the opposite end, and the corner of the wall she had just leaned on had been crushed into paste.

Embracing for a while, the two let go of each other, and Elena's face flushed a little more.

After lightly rubbing her hot cheeks, she stretched out her hand to straighten Lin's messy collar.

Seemingly having a premonition, she turned her head to look behind Lin, but there was no one there.

After thinking for a moment, she blinked, revealing a mysterious expression in her eyes.

Lin couldn't understand the meaning in it, but he instinctively judged that she was happy at the time.

Lin thought: If Louise is after his body, does Elena have ulterior motives too?

"You haven’t studied magic with me for a long time. Do you want to go together today? My place is quite big."

She did ask, but without even waiting for a reply, took Lin's hand and dragged him to the palace where she lived, as if she didn't consider the possibility of Lin's refusal.

Lin: "Okie"

He really didn't intend to refuse, because there were some things he wanted to check.

Women are deceivers, especially women who are as beautiful as Elena.

Because of the lessons learned from Louise, Lin had to remind himself to be more vigilant.

If he doesn't watch his back, he may be squeezed dry.

Walking in the long corridor, Lin suddenly asked, "Did you wait for me there?"

Elena: "Of course, I hang out there after I know you've went to see Louise, otherwise what would you do if you were bullied by her?"

Lin nodded, and said again: "Don’t you need the magic book that fell on the ground?"

Elena: "No, let's treat it as a gift for the lucky, I've finished reading it anyway."

Lin: "Yeah..."


After the two left, a small yet refined figure passed by and picked up the grimoire. It opened the title page, and there was a line of beautiful small characters written on it: 

"I love him more than anyone"

"You can't do that, sis~"

The girl muttered to herself, smiling like a cute little imp.

*1: Chinese expression. Hard to translate.

*2: Literally esoteric magic book

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