Thursday 24 November 2022

Yandere Princesses Ch2 - She wants to eat me up


Note: My knowledge of Chinese culture and references is lacking. Excuse me for missing any puns or jokes. I’m not a native speaker of either English or Mandarin.

The long black dress highlighted her slim figure well. The shiny crease at her collar attracted my stray glances. Her slender, willowy waist looked as delicate as a branch about to snap.

Her long legs, peeking from under the hem revealed only a small hint of white, and her steps, as elegant as a lotus, made people lose their heads.  

Not to mention her neatly kept toes visible through the opening of her high heels…

She resembled Han Mei*; noble, glamorous, and unapproachable.

As far as Lin remembered, she rarely smiled, besides when she was with him.

She was looking at a book, “Secrets of Cooking: Preparing and Cooking in Clay”. Lin reached out for it, watching for her reaction.

“Stop!” He was stopped before even getting to touch it.

“Guys should read about military and politics, leave cooking to us girls.”

She took the book and held it against her chest. She intended to keep the content a secret. 

What she did back then made Lin think she wasn’t very nice, but looking back, she was a little embarrassed. Even so, some of her actions were a bit too much…

He’s alright with this as long as being alive is on the table. Thinking about it, Louise had a dangerous expression on just now…

Lin felt cold all over, he hugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just a bit curious, I don’t really know much about cooking."

"So cute." Louise patted his head without restraint, with imperceptible possessiveness in her eyes: "Also, what do you think about the proposal from earlier?"

Lin took a step back and calmly replied: "No matter how you look at it, this proposal is a bit too crazy."

Louise shook her head: "What's so weird about this? Lin has no royal blood so he has no right to inherit, if you plan to take the king's place, you must marry one of us three sisters.

Well, I don’t particularly care, but if you work harder, you may have a chance with me.

Don't tell me you want to make a move on the young princess, who is only 14…

Even so, you have to think about which one of us you should choose; if you choose wrong, you might just die~"

"Why are you assuming I want to be king?" Lin was very puzzled.

From his point of view, Louise intends to eat him, and the so-called marriage is just a lie to deceive him.

Louise, who holds military power and political influence, is the first in line for succession. The second princess who’s competing with her has the support of the royal mages and can be regarded as a strong contender just by that merit.

For obvious reasons, the youngest little princess is out of the picture for now.

"Basically, you have to take the throne and grasp it’s power to thrive. That old prick is leaving for heaven shortly, so you have to plan to replace him sooner rather than later." Louise said coldly.

From Louise's words, he could clearly feel her resentment: "No matter what you say, he is still your father. It's not nice to call him a prick."


Louise sneered coldly, and she pushed Lin against the bookshelf with a single hand: "Have you forgotten what they did to you? Can't you see that they are using you as a guinea pig under the guise of treatment? Are you that stupid?"

The distance between the two was close to zero, and the distance between the tips of their noses span only five centimeters at most. Lin could clearly feel her hot breath hit his face.

The powerful force held Lin in place, and her captivating eyes made him unable to pull away. At that moment, her anger visibly peaked, like that of a raging dragon.

Obviously, she has been mistreated, but why is she this angry?

I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

He should be her prey and no hunter would be angry with their prey.

Maybe because she realized that she was being too forceful, Louise eased her tone: "This matter is not over yet, as long as the king is alive he will definitely deliver a final counterattack.

“If you want to survive, you have to make a choice, whether it is me or her, you can still survive. “

Leaving this ambiguous sentence behind, Louise closed the topic, and took another step closer, letting her body touch Lin, "Speaking of which, you haven't talked to my sister today, so quickly, do it now, immediately!”

She closed her eyes and greedily inhaled the smell of Lin's body as if she was enjoying the aroma of food she was about to eat.

Feeling her soft and tender body, and having listened to her charming words, Lin felt a chill go down his back while he stood in the warm embrace.

Perhaps in her eyes, he’s the prey after all.


With a bit of reluctance, Lin still called her that, but this time it had been extraordinarily hard.

"Hee-hee, it would be great if you could always be so well-behaved, so I won't have to worry about doing unnecessary things."

Louise stood on her toes and patted him on the head twice.

Looking at the smiling girl in front of him, Lin couldn't believe for a second that she was going to kill him.

"If Jie-jie has nothing to do, I'll go back first. I have something to do."

Shaking his head, Lin pushed the complicated thoughts out of his mind.

The events of today were too much, he has to go back and sort them out.

Louise waved her hand: "Go ahead, the purpose of calling you here today is to remind you to arrange plans, your time is running out, if you don't do something, you’ll be in danger.

Be careful, don't die~"

"Yeah", he nodded and left the room.

After Lin left, Louise went back to the table with the book in her arms and sat down. Looking at the unfinished cup of black tea, she felt a little pity.

If Lin drank it, she could do something, and now it seems that she has to look for another opportunity.

Louise opened the diary, took out a pen, and wrote today’s entry.

[Year 30, April 1st, sunny.】

[My lovely younger brother is sixteen years old and he has already grown up to be a splendid big boy, and I am very pleased about it.】

[I never thought that I would fall in love with him so thoroughly. A hunter falls in love with his prey, like in a fairy tale.】

[I did a lot of things for him, such as poisoning the old prick, hee-hee, after all this vicious bullying he committed on my lovely brother, this is the retribution he deserves.】

[It's a pity that he hasn't died yet. I suspect he will still attack Lin in order to survive, but most of the power of the royal family is in my hands, and he doesn't have many cards to play left.

No matter what happens, I will protect Lin well, and he will only belong to me, forever and ever.】

After writing this down, Louise closed the diary in a giddy mood.

This thick diary hides her secrets and the reasons why she fell step by step, but Lin didn't see the important half of it’s contents.

All he saw was how she had started seeing him as prey.

*1: Speed skater
*2: Big sister

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