Thursday 24 November 2022

Yandere Princesses Ch4 - If that's the case then we won't be able to study together

 The size of the palace where she lived was second only to Louise, and there were quite a few maids busy inside. Today she dragged Lin directly to her study.

Her study always had this elegant herbal fragrance. If you took a second, you could tell that it was the smell of lavender.

Lin took in the smell and felt a little better.

"Wait a moment, I'll make you some tea." After pushing Lin down to sit, Elena turned around and left.

Before she could go out, Lin asked, "Can't the maids make some?"

"Hmph, the tea made by the maids isn’t as good as the one made by your Jie-jie." Elena raised her fist in a coquettish way as if she was about to punish Lin if he resisted.

In fact, dear sister, the tea you make is quite ordinary.

Lin didn't say it out loud, he clearly knew that if he did, Elena might not be so gentle anymore.

After Elena left, Lin went to the table, and held an empty teacup, twirling it around in his hands.

Considering all the things he had experienced with Elena so far, some suspicions came to mind and his gaze went even lower.

Just as he was about to let go of the teacup, a letter appeared exactly where it should have been, and this time, the envelope was pink.

Now that he thought of it, the first letter was red.

Do the different envelope colors mean anything?

"Maybe I'm overthinking this."

After tearing open the envelope, Lin took out the paper inside and skimmed through it.

[My name is Lin Kleist, and by the time you’re reading this, I’m already dead. 】

[The way of magic is tortuous and tough, and I died while following it. I don't understand why Elena would do something like that to me. I don't get why she would betray me. This woman exploited me. 】

[If I could go back to the past, I would be wary of the tea that Elena made, and take precautions to not fall asleep. 】

【At the same time, I wonder if choosing Louise from the beginning would be the correct choice. 】

This is strange!

Lin frowned. Compared to the first letter, this one was very different.

Although the handwriting was undoubtedly his, the color and contents varied from the first one, as if different people wrote them. 

Now that I think about it, even the tone is different.

The most striking fact is that the information in this letter contradicts the previous one. The red one said that Louise was the one who betrayed me, so why did this one say to pick her?

What does this discrepancy mean?

Perhaps it’s written from another perspective? Did that Lin pick Elena?

He was gradually becoming more alert, as his brain was busy processing information and eliminating theories.

Lin didn’t think of himself as dumb, on the contrary, he thought his intelligence was on the high end.

Although he himself was struggling to learn magic for some reason, he had a deep understanding of its theory, otherwise, he would not be able to help Elena out with research.


Within a minute or so of opening, the letter in Lin's hand dissipated into smoke.

"Are you worried about something? If you have any problems, you can tell Jie-jie~"

Not long after that, Elena returned with a pot of freshly brewed green tea.

Lin crumpled on the table again, pretending that nothing happened: "It's nothing, maybe I just didn't sleep well last night, I’m feeling a little sleepy."

"If that's the case then we won't be able to study together..."

Elena gracefully poured some tea into the clean cup and said without raising her head: "It's okay, we can always do it later, if you're sleepy, just lie down.

Today’s tea is special, it not only calms the nerves but also slightly relaxes your mind. "

A few thin tea leaves floated around in the tea he had been handed.

"Thank you." Lin took the teacup and took a sip without any hesitation, not showing any doubt.

It was lukewarm so he could drink it as is.

Lin slurped a bit of the tea.

He only took a small sip, unlike before when he drank it all in one gulp.

When he drank Elena’s tea in the past, he would always feel drowsy. At the time he thought it was an effect of the leaves. Though right after waking up after a nap he would feel better in the head.

"So what do you think? Jie-jie’s tea isn’t half-bad, huh?." Elena stood behind Lin and rubbed his temple with her hands, waiting for his compliment.

In terms of age, she is one year older than Lin and one year younger than Louise, basically in her peak.

Lin noticed she never kept any distance when socializing with him.

"I'm a little sleepy, I'll going to take a nap."

Just as he was thinking that a sense of drowsiness hit him, and as he closed his eyes, his head slumped and he fell asleep.

Elena who was standing behind him said nothing, and as she gently stroked Lin's hair, the gentleness in her eyes didn't diminish, in fact, it seemed like it deepened.

"No matter how you look at it, my little bro is so handsome. Now sleep, sleep. Leave everything to me. Like I always say, you’re mine."

Elena's hand stroked Lin's face, and her voice sounded more determined than ever.

After five minutes, it seemed that she had had enough of touching him, and helped Lin get to her bed.

She wasn’t that strong, and she had some trouble dragging Lin, who was a bit taller than her.

After laying Lin down on her bed, she carefully took off his coat and shoes and covered him with a blanket without missing a spot.

"Just bear with me a little longer, this will soon be over." Eileen touched Lin's wrist and said to herself, as she put on a pained expression.

She took out a silvery needle and after hesitating slightly, she gritted her teeth and stabbed it right into the vein on Lin’s arm.

The thin silver needle sucked Lin's blood like a vampire, gradually turning from silver to red.

This kind of thing was a last resort for Elena, to protect Lin she had to become stronger, and this was the only way.

There wasn’t much time left, and this was the only course of action she could take.

While Lin was asleep, she could secretly take some blood to boost her strength, which was the most she could do.

Even if it hurt her heart every time she did it, she had to clench her teeth and do it.

From Elena's point of view, this is the kind of responsibility a sister has to shoulder.

What she didn't notice at this time was that when she stuck the silver needle into Lin's arm, his eyelids twitched slightly.

When the silver needle turned red completely, Elena slowly pulled it out and then used magic to close the wound.

Lin was awake all this time, and he knew what she did.


He sighed deep down and felt sleepy, so sleepy that he wanted to fall asleep right away.

But he couldn't, someone got into the bed and pressed tightly against his waist while embracing him.

Lin: ? ? ?

Now I understand what she’s after, but why did she slip into bed NAKED?

Lin felt like he might not be able to fall asleep after all.

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