Sunday 19 March 2023

Yandere Princesses Ch13 - I’m not running away, just biding my time

Saliva only possessed disinfecting and antiseptic properties. Lin's agenda was to not waste any advantage that came from his situation.

Louise's diary said that his blood was capable of boosting one's magical affinity, the exact effects and implications of which were unclear, and for the moment, he let Bella have a taste.

But when Bella gave an intoxicated expression, he wondered a little if he went a bit too far?

By now Bella was running her small, wet tongue over Lin's fingers, licking at the cut and tingling Lin's fingers with her little fangs when she got excited.

The unusual sensation didn't annoy Lin but inspired a different kind of feeling.

"Okay, that's enough, any more and you'll suck me dry." Lin shook her arm, gesturing for Bella to let go of his finger.

She had been licking for almost a minute now, still looking unusually intoxicated, and Lin felt that if he didn't wake her up, she just might keep on licking.


Bella let Lin's finger out with a disappointed expression.

She opened her small mouth and looked at Lin's finger with longing. From Lin's viewpoint, he could just see the small tongue in her mouth, and the wet, red walls of the flesh of her cheeks.

Looking at it like that, he began to miss the feel of Bella's little mouth, and even wanted to put his finger back in there and stir it some more.

"I’m going crazy!" Lin slapped his forehead with his other hand to sober himself.

Bella wiped the corner of her mouth with Lin's sleeve and said, "Lin, you must have been thinking about something weird just now?"

"No," Lin said, tilting his head.

Bella followed his gaze and smiled, "Did Lin just want to do something with my mouth?"

"No way." Lin turned his head the other way.

"By the way, if Lin and I were engaged, we could do whatever we want, everything I have would be Lin's."

Bella's eyes suddenly moved down to look between Lin's legs as an idea came upon her.

Would that be edible?

**Mind explosion.gif**

Feeling a chill crawl down his spine, Lin hurriedly pulled his legs together, and for a moment he felt a similar tension in Bella's body as he did in Louise's.

"Back on topic, did you notice anything different just now?" Lin sensibly chose to change the subject.

Bella didn't pursue it as she used her healing magic to heal Lin's wounds while answering, "Yes. The moment I ingested the blood, I felt the magic around me clearly and my own focus improved.

It gave me a feeling of surging power, and a noticeable one at that."

She said, rubbing her thighs, which had been stripped of their stockings, and said coyly: 

"My body also became sensitive, even my senses were amplified, as if ...... I was under a charm spell."

Bella's eyes sparkled with little stars, clearly, the effects of the blood hadn't worn off fully.

Lin: "......"

The odds were that the sensitivity Bella was talking about was an aphrodisiac-like effect.

What the heck was this?

Did it mean that he was a walking drug dispenser?.

Pushing Bella away, Lin held the glass tube in his hand a little further away from her, at this point Bella gave him the feeling that she would pounce and bite him at any moment.

Lin glanced at the glass tube in his hand, it had become even more unnerving with an imperceptible hint of red in its blue colour.

Blood was a renewable resource, and with the right handling he could make great use of his bodily properties, and although he couldn't practice magic himself, raising his own retinue of mages was an option.

The liquid in the glass tube he held was a mana potion he had concocted that was three times more effective than the ones currently sold outside, capable of eliminating fatigue and increasing the drinker's mental power to some extent.

The problem with it was that it could not be consumed too many times and the average person would reach their limit after three of them and would have to switch to regular mana potions.

Though powerful, it wasn’t very practical.

Perhaps rather than asking if it’s possible, asking if it should be done would be more appropriate?

This is a new question to be answered.

"Brother Lin, I have an idea!"

Bella didn't know what had come over her, but she suddenly tackled Lin to the ground and mounted him on the waist.

There was something that she had to alert Lin to.

"Forget that idea. Not happening." Lin rolled over and pinned Bella underneath.

With one hand on her wrist and a knee between her legs, it looked as if Lin had pushed the girl to the ground.

Not caring at all about Lin, who was riding her, Bella ventured, "Lin, there is a possibility that you'll learn the eighth rank of magic - blood and flesh magic."

"What's the use of me learning that......" Before the words were finished Lin had staggered in place.

His mind flashed with an idea so insane that it was beyond even his common-sense impression of insanity.

Flesh and blood magic was considered a superior magic, its effect was to regenerate wounds and recover blood, as long as it was still possible to breathe, no matter how heavy the injury was, it could bring people back from death’s door, a truly miraculous magic.

This then gave birth to a new possibility, deliberately dismembering Lin and then healing him.

It was a good thing no one in the kingdom could do this level of magic, or he might have been exploited by the king from the start.

Bella lifted her hand and tenderly touched the side of Lin's face that had stiffened a bit, 

"I hope no one ever uses this magic on you, and I hope the day when you don't use it of your own accord never comes either, so we can run away together, to a place where no one can find us, to the far corner of the world."

This time, Bella made her voice more mature and serene as well as gentle.

Naturally, she could not bear to exploit Lin in a cruel way, her wish had always been simple, it was enough just to stay by his side.

Even so, there were things that could not be avoided.

She was not as strong as her sisters and could not carry the kind of pressure they could, she just wanted to escape with Lin.

To escape to a corner of the world and forget all her troubles.

The world was too big, and too dangerous, and the more people who knew about them, the more danger Lin would be in.

Bella did not think the king could keep the secret forever, nor did she think that the king's cronies could keep it either.

She had two plans for this trip, one was to take Lin to her domain and hide him, as she had discussed with her sisters, and the other was to take him away and hide him from the world.

She was the one who came up with the second plan, but Lin was the one who made the choice.

After a moment of silence, Lin took the small hand by his face and smiled in relief, "Thank you, but there are answers that I would like to hear from them myself."

It wasn't a difficult choice for Lin.

He didn't want to run away forever, he just needed enough time to build up his strength.

Bella got out from underneath Lin, wiped the corners of her eyes, and turned her back to him, "I knew you wouldn't want to run away with me Lin. It's a shame, for a moment there I thought I'd made it."

She knew it, the Lin she liked had the kind of pride that would not let him run away.

Although he seemed rude at times, he was very handsome every time he was serious.


The rapidly moving vehicle came to a sudden stop and Lin almost fell to the ground again before he could get up.

Bella turned around and crouched in front of Lin with a bad smile, "Lin couldn't even be  handsome for three seconds before making a fool of himself, You’re still a bit too weak."

"Does Lin know where we are now?"

Bella asked herself, "The far outskirts of the Capital, the Yulan Forest, where there is a shortage of everything but bandits."

From Bella's smile, Lin could sense much bloodlust, her good nature concealed, only shown in front of him.

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