Sunday 19 March 2023

Yandere Princesses Ch12 - Aren’t the fireworks nice?

 "Aren’t the fireworks nice?"

Bella and Lin sat by the window, looking out at the fireworks.

The two had changed into clean clothes and opted for more casual wear.

"Before I answer, can you get off my lap?" Lin rubbed Bella's head as she sat on his lap.

Just as Lin finished the question, she moved up Lin's lap excitedly exclaiming: "No way! I'm going to make up for all the time back that those two took away from me."

With that she arched her back into Lin's chest, her eyes clearly expressing pleasure.

"Don't squirm like that!" Lin hastily held her shoulders to stop her from moving around.

Although there were still a few layers of clothing between them, the feeling of Bella bouncing around on his lap was exceptionally clear.

He was a normal man, and the embarrassment hadn't yet fully dissipated, and with her squirming like that, he was reacting again.

Bella also felt it, being pinned and surrounded in three directions by Lin.

With her little face flushed furiously and her eyes clouded, her movements, which had just been very lively, suddenly ceased.

"Lin, this is about the right time for it, so… want to be my fiance?"

As if to strengthen the impact of her words, she also gently rubbed her back against him; "This way, all my power will be yours and you will have the chance to become the new king. The other two will not be able to stand up to us at all."

Bella knew that this statement was biased, as her power was not much greater than theirs.

And once they knew Lin was engaged to her, they would become even more frantic in their actions.

But it didn't matter, for as long as she could convince Lin, she would be in the best position.

Bella's face was so flushed that it was dripping with sweat, no matter how she looked at her recent actions, she was a little too ashamed.

Parrying her advance, Lin held her in place with both hands, not giving her room to move around, "Since when did you start hitting on me?"

"When?" Bella lowered her head in thought, "It was long ago, probably the first time we met.

I felt a connection and wanted to become closer to you, so I slowly approached you and then I fell in love before I knew it..."

"What do you even know about me, really?" Lin frowned slightly.

Bella: "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm actually very well-informed, so I know everything about Lin."

"So you want to eat me too?" Lin asked again.

"Mmm, yes, but my hunger might be a bit different from my sisters...... 

They want the other part of Lin~" Bella lowered her head and licked Lin's arm.

Lin: "...... I need that part…."

Bella: "Mmmmmm, I know."

Pressured to move, she folded, not daring to move. "Lin doesn’t like me?"

Confirming her hunch, Lin shook his head, "It's not that I don't like you, I just think everything is moving too fast. So much has happened today that I can't fit any more thoughts in my head."

"So Lin can get engaged to me first, try it out, and if it doesn't work out for you then break it off."

Bella turned her head to stare into Lin's eyes, "Just say yes, big bro, it's my lifelong dream~"

She put on a pitiful look and squeezed out a few teardrops from the corners of her eyes, transforming into a pitiful girl who was crying in a matter of moments.


Lin flicked the top of Bella's head with his finger as he let go of her, releasing her from his lap, "Let's talk about it later, don't try to take advantage of the situation."

He didn't answer, it wasn't a question that could be answered so simply.

Lin looked up at the flickering fire of the palace in the distance and thought of Louise and Elena, wondering what had become of them.

He did not know if Louise really wanted to eat him.

He couldn't understand Elena's tangled feelings either. Looking into her eyes, he would feel a twinge of heartache himself.

Bella rubbed her forehead as she guessed what was on Lin's mind and said, "Don't worry about them, in this case, they are the hunters, and father is the prey.

Tonight is only the beginning of the storm, and who knows how rough it will get."

As someone in the know, Bella realized how terrifying Lin's blessing really was, it was something that would make anyone's heart flutter.

At the moment the people who knew about it were only a few nobles, but if word ever got out......

So Louise and the girls were looking beyond the kingdom, further afield. That was why they had plucked Lin away from the mess.

As long as they all believed that Lin had disappeared along with the king, then the storm would remain away from him.

"Also," Lin stretched and went over to the two wooden chests.

He opened one of them and fetched some bottles and jars, setting them down on the table.

Bella saw this and rushed over, "I've been meaning to ask, but why is Lin always tinkering with these strange things?"

"Partly interested, partly trying to find solutions I guess, I think I have a talent for magic."

After making the main things were brought along, Lin opened a bottle of blue glass and asked Bella who was standing next to him; "Speaking of, do you know what the Sacred Heart is? I've never heard of it."

Bella said, "I know that the legend has it that the empress of a neighboring country has one in her possession. It not only enhances one's magical power but also allows one to break through their limits and cultivate their power much faster."

Lin: "......"

Next to the kingdom was an exceptionally powerful empire called the Yates Empire.

Its power was dozens of times greater than theirs, and if not for a peace treaty between them, they would have been swallowed up long ago.

Legend has it that the new empress of Yates is not only very young and beautiful but also very capable and that she has modernized the empire on her own, taking all the responsibility onto herself.

As an extremely powerful figure, she was not a presence to be trifled with.

"Bella, do you think it's possible for us to get the Sacred Heart?" Lin asked in a deep voice.

“Do you have a cold, Lin?" Bella reached out with her hand to feel Lin's forehead and the temperature felt normal.

"Hey, I just said that without thinking, I'm not crazy." Lin sighed as he put the bold thought aside.

Bringing a small knife from the table, Lin cut his fingertip in front of Bella's shocked gaze.

"Lin, what are you doing!" Bella panicked and tried to come over and grab the pocket knife from Lin's hand.

"I'm just practicing alchemy," Lin replied calmly as he dripped the blood from his finger into the glass tube containing the blue liquid.

Now that he knew for sure he was special, he couldn't just do nothing.

For Lin, the question of how to make the most of his strengths was a new fruitful prospect.

Bella watched the scene with heartache, so much so that it made her... drool.

Drooling is a creature's instinct in the face of temptation, and Bella herself couldn't hold back her urge, yet her heartache was real.

Lin saw the change in Bella after dripping some blood and said forcefully, "Bella, open your mouth."

"??" With confusion, Bella obediently parted her pink lips.

Disregarding her dismayed expression, Lin shoved his finger roughly into Bella's mouth and said with an expressionless face, "Suck it, it will boost your magical power."

Bella was just about to complain that Lin was being rough, but the next second she gave in into the temptation.

It tastes so good~

At this time, Bella somewhat understood why her sisters were so obsessed and conflicted with their feelings for Lin.

Authors note: (Thank you all for your support, it's reassuring to have new people catch-up to the story, this book is something that I poured my heart into and I'm sure you will enjoy it.)

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