Sunday 19 March 2023

Yandere Princesses Ch13 - I’m not running away, just biding my time

Saliva only possessed disinfecting and antiseptic properties. Lin's agenda was to not waste any advantage that came from his situation.

Louise's diary said that his blood was capable of boosting one's magical affinity, the exact effects and implications of which were unclear, and for the moment, he let Bella have a taste.

But when Bella gave an intoxicated expression, he wondered a little if he went a bit too far?

By now Bella was running her small, wet tongue over Lin's fingers, licking at the cut and tingling Lin's fingers with her little fangs when she got excited.

The unusual sensation didn't annoy Lin but inspired a different kind of feeling.

"Okay, that's enough, any more and you'll suck me dry." Lin shook her arm, gesturing for Bella to let go of his finger.

She had been licking for almost a minute now, still looking unusually intoxicated, and Lin felt that if he didn't wake her up, she just might keep on licking.


Bella let Lin's finger out with a disappointed expression.

She opened her small mouth and looked at Lin's finger with longing. From Lin's viewpoint, he could just see the small tongue in her mouth, and the wet, red walls of the flesh of her cheeks.

Looking at it like that, he began to miss the feel of Bella's little mouth, and even wanted to put his finger back in there and stir it some more.

"I’m going crazy!" Lin slapped his forehead with his other hand to sober himself.

Bella wiped the corner of her mouth with Lin's sleeve and said, "Lin, you must have been thinking about something weird just now?"

"No," Lin said, tilting his head.

Bella followed his gaze and smiled, "Did Lin just want to do something with my mouth?"

"No way." Lin turned his head the other way.

"By the way, if Lin and I were engaged, we could do whatever we want, everything I have would be Lin's."

Bella's eyes suddenly moved down to look between Lin's legs as an idea came upon her.

Would that be edible?

**Mind explosion.gif**

Feeling a chill crawl down his spine, Lin hurriedly pulled his legs together, and for a moment he felt a similar tension in Bella's body as he did in Louise's.

"Back on topic, did you notice anything different just now?" Lin sensibly chose to change the subject.

Bella didn't pursue it as she used her healing magic to heal Lin's wounds while answering, "Yes. The moment I ingested the blood, I felt the magic around me clearly and my own focus improved.

It gave me a feeling of surging power, and a noticeable one at that."

She said, rubbing her thighs, which had been stripped of their stockings, and said coyly: 

"My body also became sensitive, even my senses were amplified, as if ...... I was under a charm spell."

Bella's eyes sparkled with little stars, clearly, the effects of the blood hadn't worn off fully.

Lin: "......"

The odds were that the sensitivity Bella was talking about was an aphrodisiac-like effect.

What the heck was this?

Did it mean that he was a walking drug dispenser?.

Pushing Bella away, Lin held the glass tube in his hand a little further away from her, at this point Bella gave him the feeling that she would pounce and bite him at any moment.

Lin glanced at the glass tube in his hand, it had become even more unnerving with an imperceptible hint of red in its blue colour.

Blood was a renewable resource, and with the right handling he could make great use of his bodily properties, and although he couldn't practice magic himself, raising his own retinue of mages was an option.

The liquid in the glass tube he held was a mana potion he had concocted that was three times more effective than the ones currently sold outside, capable of eliminating fatigue and increasing the drinker's mental power to some extent.

The problem with it was that it could not be consumed too many times and the average person would reach their limit after three of them and would have to switch to regular mana potions.

Though powerful, it wasn’t very practical.

Perhaps rather than asking if it’s possible, asking if it should be done would be more appropriate?

This is a new question to be answered.

"Brother Lin, I have an idea!"

Bella didn't know what had come over her, but she suddenly tackled Lin to the ground and mounted him on the waist.

There was something that she had to alert Lin to.

"Forget that idea. Not happening." Lin rolled over and pinned Bella underneath.

With one hand on her wrist and a knee between her legs, it looked as if Lin had pushed the girl to the ground.

Not caring at all about Lin, who was riding her, Bella ventured, "Lin, there is a possibility that you'll learn the eighth rank of magic - blood and flesh magic."

"What's the use of me learning that......" Before the words were finished Lin had staggered in place.

His mind flashed with an idea so insane that it was beyond even his common-sense impression of insanity.

Flesh and blood magic was considered a superior magic, its effect was to regenerate wounds and recover blood, as long as it was still possible to breathe, no matter how heavy the injury was, it could bring people back from death’s door, a truly miraculous magic.

This then gave birth to a new possibility, deliberately dismembering Lin and then healing him.

It was a good thing no one in the kingdom could do this level of magic, or he might have been exploited by the king from the start.

Bella lifted her hand and tenderly touched the side of Lin's face that had stiffened a bit, 

"I hope no one ever uses this magic on you, and I hope the day when you don't use it of your own accord never comes either, so we can run away together, to a place where no one can find us, to the far corner of the world."

This time, Bella made her voice more mature and serene as well as gentle.

Naturally, she could not bear to exploit Lin in a cruel way, her wish had always been simple, it was enough just to stay by his side.

Even so, there were things that could not be avoided.

She was not as strong as her sisters and could not carry the kind of pressure they could, she just wanted to escape with Lin.

To escape to a corner of the world and forget all her troubles.

The world was too big, and too dangerous, and the more people who knew about them, the more danger Lin would be in.

Bella did not think the king could keep the secret forever, nor did she think that the king's cronies could keep it either.

She had two plans for this trip, one was to take Lin to her domain and hide him, as she had discussed with her sisters, and the other was to take him away and hide him from the world.

She was the one who came up with the second plan, but Lin was the one who made the choice.

After a moment of silence, Lin took the small hand by his face and smiled in relief, "Thank you, but there are answers that I would like to hear from them myself."

It wasn't a difficult choice for Lin.

He didn't want to run away forever, he just needed enough time to build up his strength.

Bella got out from underneath Lin, wiped the corners of her eyes, and turned her back to him, "I knew you wouldn't want to run away with me Lin. It's a shame, for a moment there I thought I'd made it."

She knew it, the Lin she liked had the kind of pride that would not let him run away.

Although he seemed rude at times, he was very handsome every time he was serious.


The rapidly moving vehicle came to a sudden stop and Lin almost fell to the ground again before he could get up.

Bella turned around and crouched in front of Lin with a bad smile, "Lin couldn't even be  handsome for three seconds before making a fool of himself, You’re still a bit too weak."

"Does Lin know where we are now?"

Bella asked herself, "The far outskirts of the Capital, the Yulan Forest, where there is a shortage of everything but bandits."

From Bella's smile, Lin could sense much bloodlust, her good nature concealed, only shown in front of him.

Yandere Princesses Ch12 - Aren’t the fireworks nice?

 "Aren’t the fireworks nice?"

Bella and Lin sat by the window, looking out at the fireworks.

The two had changed into clean clothes and opted for more casual wear.

"Before I answer, can you get off my lap?" Lin rubbed Bella's head as she sat on his lap.

Just as Lin finished the question, she moved up Lin's lap excitedly exclaiming: "No way! I'm going to make up for all the time back that those two took away from me."

With that she arched her back into Lin's chest, her eyes clearly expressing pleasure.

"Don't squirm like that!" Lin hastily held her shoulders to stop her from moving around.

Although there were still a few layers of clothing between them, the feeling of Bella bouncing around on his lap was exceptionally clear.

He was a normal man, and the embarrassment hadn't yet fully dissipated, and with her squirming like that, he was reacting again.

Bella also felt it, being pinned and surrounded in three directions by Lin.

With her little face flushed furiously and her eyes clouded, her movements, which had just been very lively, suddenly ceased.

"Lin, this is about the right time for it, so… want to be my fiance?"

As if to strengthen the impact of her words, she also gently rubbed her back against him; "This way, all my power will be yours and you will have the chance to become the new king. The other two will not be able to stand up to us at all."

Bella knew that this statement was biased, as her power was not much greater than theirs.

And once they knew Lin was engaged to her, they would become even more frantic in their actions.

But it didn't matter, for as long as she could convince Lin, she would be in the best position.

Bella's face was so flushed that it was dripping with sweat, no matter how she looked at her recent actions, she was a little too ashamed.

Parrying her advance, Lin held her in place with both hands, not giving her room to move around, "Since when did you start hitting on me?"

"When?" Bella lowered her head in thought, "It was long ago, probably the first time we met.

I felt a connection and wanted to become closer to you, so I slowly approached you and then I fell in love before I knew it..."

"What do you even know about me, really?" Lin frowned slightly.

Bella: "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm actually very well-informed, so I know everything about Lin."

"So you want to eat me too?" Lin asked again.

"Mmm, yes, but my hunger might be a bit different from my sisters...... 

They want the other part of Lin~" Bella lowered her head and licked Lin's arm.

Lin: "...... I need that part…."

Bella: "Mmmmmm, I know."

Pressured to move, she folded, not daring to move. "Lin doesn’t like me?"

Confirming her hunch, Lin shook his head, "It's not that I don't like you, I just think everything is moving too fast. So much has happened today that I can't fit any more thoughts in my head."

"So Lin can get engaged to me first, try it out, and if it doesn't work out for you then break it off."

Bella turned her head to stare into Lin's eyes, "Just say yes, big bro, it's my lifelong dream~"

She put on a pitiful look and squeezed out a few teardrops from the corners of her eyes, transforming into a pitiful girl who was crying in a matter of moments.


Lin flicked the top of Bella's head with his finger as he let go of her, releasing her from his lap, "Let's talk about it later, don't try to take advantage of the situation."

He didn't answer, it wasn't a question that could be answered so simply.

Lin looked up at the flickering fire of the palace in the distance and thought of Louise and Elena, wondering what had become of them.

He did not know if Louise really wanted to eat him.

He couldn't understand Elena's tangled feelings either. Looking into her eyes, he would feel a twinge of heartache himself.

Bella rubbed her forehead as she guessed what was on Lin's mind and said, "Don't worry about them, in this case, they are the hunters, and father is the prey.

Tonight is only the beginning of the storm, and who knows how rough it will get."

As someone in the know, Bella realized how terrifying Lin's blessing really was, it was something that would make anyone's heart flutter.

At the moment the people who knew about it were only a few nobles, but if word ever got out......

So Louise and the girls were looking beyond the kingdom, further afield. That was why they had plucked Lin away from the mess.

As long as they all believed that Lin had disappeared along with the king, then the storm would remain away from him.

"Also," Lin stretched and went over to the two wooden chests.

He opened one of them and fetched some bottles and jars, setting them down on the table.

Bella saw this and rushed over, "I've been meaning to ask, but why is Lin always tinkering with these strange things?"

"Partly interested, partly trying to find solutions I guess, I think I have a talent for magic."

After making the main things were brought along, Lin opened a bottle of blue glass and asked Bella who was standing next to him; "Speaking of, do you know what the Sacred Heart is? I've never heard of it."

Bella said, "I know that the legend has it that the empress of a neighboring country has one in her possession. It not only enhances one's magical power but also allows one to break through their limits and cultivate their power much faster."

Lin: "......"

Next to the kingdom was an exceptionally powerful empire called the Yates Empire.

Its power was dozens of times greater than theirs, and if not for a peace treaty between them, they would have been swallowed up long ago.

Legend has it that the new empress of Yates is not only very young and beautiful but also very capable and that she has modernized the empire on her own, taking all the responsibility onto herself.

As an extremely powerful figure, she was not a presence to be trifled with.

"Bella, do you think it's possible for us to get the Sacred Heart?" Lin asked in a deep voice.

“Do you have a cold, Lin?" Bella reached out with her hand to feel Lin's forehead and the temperature felt normal.

"Hey, I just said that without thinking, I'm not crazy." Lin sighed as he put the bold thought aside.

Bringing a small knife from the table, Lin cut his fingertip in front of Bella's shocked gaze.

"Lin, what are you doing!" Bella panicked and tried to come over and grab the pocket knife from Lin's hand.

"I'm just practicing alchemy," Lin replied calmly as he dripped the blood from his finger into the glass tube containing the blue liquid.

Now that he knew for sure he was special, he couldn't just do nothing.

For Lin, the question of how to make the most of his strengths was a new fruitful prospect.

Bella watched the scene with heartache, so much so that it made her... drool.

Drooling is a creature's instinct in the face of temptation, and Bella herself couldn't hold back her urge, yet her heartache was real.

Lin saw the change in Bella after dripping some blood and said forcefully, "Bella, open your mouth."

"??" With confusion, Bella obediently parted her pink lips.

Disregarding her dismayed expression, Lin shoved his finger roughly into Bella's mouth and said with an expressionless face, "Suck it, it will boost your magical power."

Bella was just about to complain that Lin was being rough, but the next second she gave in into the temptation.

It tastes so good~

At this time, Bella somewhat understood why her sisters were so obsessed and conflicted with their feelings for Lin.

Authors note: (Thank you all for your support, it's reassuring to have new people catch-up to the story, this book is something that I poured my heart into and I'm sure you will enjoy it.)

Sunday 5 March 2023

Yandere Princesses Ch11 - The fireworks display has begun

 Her small face was already tinged with a reddish blush as her beautiful eyes radiated desire.

Countless droplets of water slid down her hair, over her face, down her neck, along her collarbone, and finally over her vestigial breasts and back into the barrel.

Bella's somewhat petite body was radiating temptation, and it caused something repressed inside Lin to crawl out.

She wrapped her arms around Lin's neck and exhaled, letting her hot breath hit his face, her delicate body pressed closely against his.

"Lin, you'll take responsibility, won't you?"

Her enchanting voice filled his ears, if Bella really was a demon, then Lin would definitely classify her as a powerful one.

"You saw, and touched, and kissed, you took so many of my firsts except for the last step." She licked Lin's ear, "If you don't agree, I'll throw you out of the car~"

"And I‘m being very reasonable here, if you agree, I'll not only share you with my sisters, but I'll also help you conquer them and make them both succumb to you."

At the same time, her finger was circling Lin's back, "Anything Lin can't do alone, he can do with my help~"


The immense pressure of both physical and mental origin caused Lin's heart to shake forcefully.

What kind of relationship did he and Bella really have?

The blurred line had been crossed. They clearly understood each others thoughts and feeling. Would it be too pretentious to pretend to be unaware?

Lin ran his hand through her hair, his mind frantically processing the stream of thoughts currently storming through his mind.

After a moment of silence, his hand dropped down to Bella's face, sliding over her cheek and red lips, "You..."


Lin was about to speak when a loud explosion resounded from the distant palace.

Bella glanced up at the clock on the wall, it was past seven o'clock.

Her eyes twinkled and the corners of her mouth curled into a slightly cheerful smile, "Brother Lin, the fireworks display has begun."


A little before then, the golem that Bella had left behind followed the knights to the examination room that Lin used to visit every month.

The golem was flanked by a group of the king's knights and anyone who tried to approach was kept away.

A sharp journey eventually led to the basement beneath the great hall, and by the time the group arrived it was more than heavily guarded, a closer look revealed that they all belonged to the king.


Opening the hidden metal door, the king's underlings led the two knights with the golem inside.

Walking through the narrow passageway, the underground room opened up and the illuminated basement reflected in the puppet's eyes.

"Your Highness Lin, here we are."

Leading the puppet to the empty underground square, the underlings and knights stood guard at the exit.

The place had changed drastically from what Lin had seen before.

The healing equipment that had been there the last time around had long since disappeared, leaving only a circular raised platform of a ten metre radius, with stairs leading up to it.

It had a brand new colour and had obviously only recently been constructed.

Bowing down, the puppet climbed up the stairs, and as it did, everything around it became brighter.

There was an ornate box directly opposite it, and the magnificently dressed king was sitting on his throne, his face as pale as death in the soft white light.

Next to this luxurious box were a number of smaller boxes, which, if Lin had been here, he would have been able to tell that they were all property of princes and nobles at the king's side.

Their bodies leaned forward slightly in their chairs, their eyes full of greed; for them, this was a chance to change their lives.

"My lords, the kingdom is weak, the storm is shattering, and I am in danger of being killed by thieves."

His weak voice reached every corner of the underground square through a loudspeaker: "Our neighbours are spying on us and the army is overextended on our borders. The princess is disloyal and has tainted said army with her disloyalty. The Grand Duke has broken all precedent and has seceded for his own benefit.

In this dire time of crisis, I implore you to join me."

"I am at your service, my lord!"

The nobles responded in unison, but they did not listen to the king's words at all, their eyes focused on "Lin" on the high platform.

The king coughed and spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm: "Very well, for the sake of the kingdom and prosperity, I will sacrifice my favourite third prince to create new possibilities for all of us."

The king raised his hands high and shouted, "God wills it, this is an opportunity given to us by Him."

Only at the end did he look at Lin on the high platform and ask, "My favourite child, do you wish to sacrifice yourself to save the kingdom and the world?"

The puppet, which had been bowing its head, raised its head proudly at this time, revealing a mocking smile on its face, which resembled Lin's.

The corners of its mouth rose unnaturally as it spoke Louise's voice; "Father, did you ask for my permission before you sacrificed Lin?"

The calm but clearly insane voice resounded through the basement room, and everyone froze in their chairs. Even the king, who had a premonition of extreme danger, sat paralyzed on his throne.

As if anticipating this scene, the puppet closed its scarlet eyes, and a sound came out of its mouth softly: "Seventh Order - Dashed with Smoke and Fire"

This time, it was Elena's voice that spoke.

As soon as the words were spoken, seven dazzling magic circles rose up around the golem, enveloping it.

With a flash of red, the puppet turned into particles floating in the centre of the magic circles, and with another sharp flash of red light, these particles burst into flames, exploding forth.

The stars were blazing in the sky.

A grand firework, erupting from the depths of the palace halls, a misty red light that cleansed away all hypocrisy.

A split second before it all erupted, two high-ranking guards stepped in front of the king.


The whole kingdom felt the earth tremble as huge pillars of fire rushed out of the centre of the palace into the sky and into the clouds above.

The ash that had been thrown into the sky slowly fell back to the ground, still faintly alight, raining down for all to see.

The fireworks were trumpeting call for change, and the forces at the call of Louise and Elena sprang into action at the first opportunity, surrounding the entire palace as they arrested all the forces of the king.

By now the palace had been turned into a giant crater, and all the commoners in the kingdom knew was that the exquisite palace had been spewing smoke and fire for a day and a night.

Authors note: (Favorites are low, likes are low, no monthly votes, no rewards, Me as thirsty as a fish qwq.)

Yandere Princesses Ch10 - You don't want the escape to be discovered, do you?

 During special times, even princesses had to undergo inspections when they travelled.

Because of Bella's status, checks on her would be carried out by palace maids of appropriate rank.

The usual checks include looking for prohibited items, prohibited persons, and prohibited books.

The court lady in charge of the inspection was one of Elena's people, as she had been informed in advance - the inspection was merely for show.

But Lin was not aware of this, and Bella would not tell him about it.

"Lin, if you don't hide well, you'll be found out~" Bella mockingly spat out those words with her red tongue, her eyes seemingly aflame.

The sound of Bella's urging sounded like a devilish whisper ringing in his ears, Lin covered his nose, but couldn't stop his restless heart from shaking.

The sounds outside the car grew closer and closer, seeing the inspectors coming in.

Once again, Bella spoke up and shattered Rin's last line of defence: "Rin, you don't want the escape to be discovered, do you?"


With both eyes closed, Lin threw away his shame and jumped into the barrel, too rushed to even take off his clothes.

As soon as he jumped in, before he could even look up, Bella pinned him down under the surface of the petal covered water.

The barrel, which had been somewhat empty just moments before, became crowded when Lin jumped in, which forced him to press himself against Bella's smooth body.


"Your Highness has orderedus to perform a routine inspection, please do not be offended." The young courtesan glanced towards where Bella was before hastily bowing.

It was not polite to look away, and her status did not allow her to look up in this situation.

"You may examine as you wish, with due haste." Bella leaned against the barrel with her back to her, showing only one head.

The courtesan saluted respectfully, "One moment, please."

She had received orders from the Second Princess before the change of guard, and was told that whatever she saw, she was to pretend she hadn't seen it, and that this inspection had to go without a hitch.

Suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, the palace maid hurriedly performed a token inspection.

It was so superficial that she didn't even open the few conspicuous wooden boxes to check their contents.

She didn't know what was in them, and if she did find something she couldn't see, she would be the one who to face the consequences.

Bella was in a happy mood as she soaked in the bath, the palace maids watched with trepidation, and Lin was the only one who was in a state of both pain and pleasure.

His eyes could not see, his nose could not breathe, but his sense of touch was still there.

From his point of view, he was being pressed against Bella's chest and was in a dangerous place.

The feeling on his face was soft and bouncy, and when he focused on it it was as if there was some kind of bulge against his face that not only wasn't unpleasant but made his brain tingle.

At this point he could still hear the outside world, but it was a little blurry through the water, so he couldn't exactly tell what was being said.

His mind was muddled and he no longer knew how he was going to face Bella after this.

He had only ever thought of her as a sister, and he had never imagined that she would make the first move while her two sisters were out of reach.

Perhaps this was something special she prepared to take advantage of the situation. Lin had become convinced that she was in not that different from her siblings.

As the minutes ticked by, Lin gradually suffocated, his hands unconsciously gripping Bella's petite waist as he held back from reaching for breath.

The palace maid was still working outside, and even if it was for show, it couldn't end hastily.

Bella seemed to anticipate Lin's reaction, as she ran her hand over the top of Lin's head tenderly, the ecstasy in her eyes flared up even more.


Taking a deep breath, Bella lowered her head.

She lifted Lin's chin and kissed him on the lips. A breath of fresh air mixed with the scent of a young girl flowed into Lin's mouth.

Lin opened his wet eyes with difficulty, saw a sly smile on Bella's lips in the dim light.

As if to tease Lin, she also stuck out her soft little tongue to entwine with his.

Snaking and twisting through his lungs, desperately fighting against death, the air that had just reached Lin's mouth was cut away from him again, and his condition deepened.

A moment later Bella poked her head out of the water again, her little face covered in a lovely blush as she took a breath of fresh air and lowered her head again.

She had kissed the lips she had just left again. Because of the lack of oxygen Lin had to give in.

Getting air through Bella's soft little mouth was better for him than the risk of being discovered by the courtesans.

Since he could not resist, he gradually started enjoying it.

With Bella's initiative, he gradually responded in kind, the two exchanging air, spit and mutual affection.

Bella's small hands began to feel their way up Lin's body, gradually burrowing into his shirt.

Being a regular guy, Lin briefly abandoned his thoughts and slowly slid his hands down between his hips.

On the other side, the more the court lady examined, the more uneasy she became, especially as Bella kept making strange noises that brought her heart to her throat.

Everyone knew that Princess Bella was eccentric by nature and no one could handle her except for His Highness Lin, and that because of her noble background, she was very confident when facing the King.




The sound of Bella diving into the water again and again felt like it was choking her, and with cold sweat on her palms, the palace maid , not being able to bear it any longer, bowed once more and said, "Your Highness, the inspection has been completed, excuse me."

Leaving those words behind, she scurried away as fast as she could.


Leaving Bella's caravan, she closed the door and jumped down.

The knight waiting below looked at the flustered maid with suspicion and asked, "Why so fast, did you do it properly?"

He was the king's man and answered only to him.

If Bella had not been so privileged, he would have been the one to inspect them today.

The palace maid straightened her expression and said coldly, "Naturally, it has. If you don't believe me you can go and check it yourself, if you dare."

"How dare you," the knight took a step back as he looked to the rest of his men, "Check the rest of the vehicles quickly and make sure that Her Highness is free to go as soon as possible."

The caravan in front of them was incredibly luxurious, with not only powerful family knights but also powerful magicians present. They were more than enough to escort an outing, perhaps even fight a small war.

If Bella had tried to make a break for it with force, they would not have been able to stop her.

The king's guard were not positioned here today, as he was using them to guard the inner palace.

He looked towards the magnificent palace complex in the distance, which brought a dark, opressing feeling, like hanging clouds.

"Reporting; inspection complete, no abnormalities." 

The people in charge of the inspection reported the information.

"Free to go!" With a big wave of his hand, the knight opened the gates of the palace leading to the royal city.

"Rumble!" The caravan set off once more with smoke and dust caught in its wake.


Only when the vehicles were running did Lin go out of the water and started breathing in the fresh air that he had been missing for so long.

In front of him, Bella’s eyes were burning like never before.