Tuesday 25 July 2023

Yandere Princesses Ch16 - My name is Shire

 One scrub was not enough to clean her, so Lin used his magic tools to change the water in the barrel and added some soap.

It was only after three changes of water that Lin was confident he had scrubbed her clean.

After a complete bath, Shire's dark red hair had regained its shine and even had a soft texture that could be described as silky smooth.

Her skin was very pale, the kind of pale lacking in nutrients. The flesh beneath it had merely a hint of softness.

Lifting her long hair behind her ears, Lin could see her lovely little face, and although it was not obvious, he could see that Shire was a woman in her own right and would reach the level of beauty in time.

She was a year older than Bella in terms of age, but her assets were vestigial compared to Bellas.

Bella sighed as she looked at them.


Lin pulled her out of the barrel and dried her off with another towel, inevitably sensing her skin and seeing the young girl's body in the process.

Perhaps because her body was so bony, Lin didn't feel even a hint of arousal.

He carefully dried Shire's hair and dressed her.

"I'd better give her an apology when she wakes up, after all, what I just did was a bit rude." Lin carried Shire back to bed and tucked her in under a few blankets.

Bella threw the dirty towels into the empty box and shook her head at Lin, "I don't think Lin did anything wrong, if we had left her in the woods, she might have been eaten by animals, you did her a favor."

Said Bella and clicked her fingers, "Counting the previous incident, Lin has saved her twice now; isn't it right for her to repay you by serving you?"

Clearly, Bella's way of reasoning was not that of a commoner.

Lin smiled and patted Bella's head in amusement, "Then, how do you think I should treat her?"

Bella pondered and gave her advice; "It depends on what Lin thinks, if you think that she has talent, you could train her to be your exclusive knight, Lin is weak, you need someone to protect you."

In their previous meeting, Shire showed the strength of a third rank knight, which was already quite good for her age.

The thing was that she didn't have any aid cultivating her skills, perhaps she had come this far just by virtue of her talent.

There are many professions in this world, the most noble of which is the wizard, followed by the knight, not only because of their great strength, but also because these two professions work under a system of inheritance.

At one time, there were also the clergy, but they have lost clout in recent years, and even their traditions are almost extinct.

The other professions are alchemists and swordsmen.

The Swordsman is the most inclusive of all jobs covering a diverse range of techniques and is the most common, as it is simple to learn and one can always switch to another class.

At present, people are divided into nine levels of strength, with the first three being the primary level, the middle three being the middle level and the last three being the high level, with most ordinary people stuck below the third level in their lifetime.

It is worth mentioning that some individuals, because of their special characteristics, are able to transcend their rank.

Wizards are exceptional among the professions mainly because they are able to communicate with heaven and earth and harness the power of nature, which allows them to have the greatest power and utility of any role.

Most of the remaining professions are cultivated mainly for their own sake, while their power is lesser than that of the wizard, their powers are easier to wield..

"Something to think about." After a short pause for thought, Lin came up with some ideas.

Knights were a popular profession among princes and nobles because they not only had both offensive and defensive skills but were also loyal to their masters on principle.

Only loyal individuals could follow the path of a knight, it was a requirement.

Because Lin possessed a special physique, he could quickly raise Shire's power..


It was at this moment that Shire coughed as she woke up from her slumber.

Her mind gradually regained its clarity, her body gradually regained strength, and she could already feel the boost brought about by the Spiritual Power Potion.

Not only that, she also felt warm all over her body, like she had taken a long overdue hot bath; both comfortable and anxious.


Seeming to sense that something was wrong, Shire opened her eyes and the moment she saw the figures in front, she hugged the covers and hid in the corner of the bed in a defensive stance.

lin: ......

Bella: ......

The two people who were talking were started by Shire's actions and a brief silence fell over them - the only sound being the hum of vehicles running around.

It didn't take long for Shire to see exactly who the two people in front of her bed were, and she blinked her big eyes and cocked her head as she softly let out a "Huh?"

Her eyes met Lin's, and with just one glance she hung her head, "Where am I?"

She was still quiet, but this time Lin heard it.

"This is a caravan heading to the north, we are in the carriage now, don't worry, we mean you no harm.

We came across you when we were walking through the forest and saw you were injured, so we brought you here for treatment."

Lin spoke softly, telling a white lie to make it easier for Shire to accept.

Bella, hearing Lin's story, covered her mouth and snickered, which made Lin look quite awkward.

"Treatment?" Shire ran a hand around her waist, she didn't feel her coarse clothes, instead, grasping her silky nightgown.

The wound no longer itched, and there was no more blood stuck to her.

She whispered a question; "Where are my clothes?"

"It was Lin who changed you out of those. And not only that - he washed you head to toe three times over!" Bella replied before Lin could.

"What a snitch!" Lin hit Bella on the head with the butt of a knife.


Bella covered her head and squatted down, looking at Lin with tears in her eyes, looking like a little animal that had been bullied.

(It didn't actually hurt, she was faking it.)

Hearing Bella's words, Shire buried her head directly under the covers, her face flushed all over - even her ears were tinged with red.

If she had been able to find sand anywhere in the ground, she might have put her head right in.

Why would they treat her ugly body like this?

The first thing that came to Shire's mind was this thought.

"I'm sorry, it was inconsiderate of me. You can scold and beat me if that makes you feel better." Lin's attitude was sincere as he admitted fault.

She shook her head, She didn't think of scolding Rin, or rather she didn't mind, she was more shy than anything else.


Shire carefully pulled the covers down a little, exposing a pair of teary eyes, and, as if afraid that Lin hadn't heard her, she repeated again; "Thank you..."

"I'm... My name is Shire."

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