Monday 19 December 2022

Yandere Princesses Ch8 - Want to make them yours?

Lin was doubly confused. Firstly, because of Bella's boldness; as he looked right at her and found his hand pressed against the girl's flat chest. He gave it a squeeze on instinct, and the sensation was softness with a characteristic bounce, much more tender than he had expected. Secondly. he was confused because of the question she asked; if he wanted to be king. Obviously, Rin didn't have that in mind. "Do you think I can even survive being involved in this mess?" Rin asked.. "It's not impossible if Rin picks me. In fact, we might have a chance to do away with my sisters with a little sneak attack." Bella gave a little devilish smile, "After we win, Lin will be able to keep big and second sis in his harem and do whatever he wants, and even physically mark your ownership of them." Bella brought up a rosy, if quite perverted, idea up, but the image of tying Louise up and etching the words in suddenly came to his mind. As Louise's pretty body was bound with red ties, he moved a brush at the base of her thighs, her eyes showing resignation and unease..... "Shh~" Lin sucked in a breath of air,. What was this excitement in his heart? "Mmm~" It was at this point that Bella suddenly started humming, her voice somewhat suppressed like she was holding back somehow, her slender legs clenching slightly. Because of Lin’s hand suddenly groping on her chest, the immense stimulation made her eyes wet... . "Sorry," Lin hastily withdrew his hand and awkwardly smiled. He glanced over to see that Bella's eyes were glazed over, he was not sure if it was from the pain or something else. "It's okay, I don't mind it at all if it's Lin, you may go further..." Bella caught Lin's hand that had just pulled away with both of her hands. Placing his hands on her face, Bella seemed to imagine Lin stroking her tenderly. Lin: ...... This kind of thing often felt odd to Lin, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He and Bella always had a good relationship and usually this kind of thing wasn't too rare. Shaking his head, and chasing away the thoughts out of his head, Lin asked; "Let's talk about the exact plan for the escape." "Yes!" Bella was overjoyed as she smiled, "The plan we three have devised is this ......" ...... At the same time, Elena was in her study studying the next stage of the magic formation. She glanced out the window in the direction of the forest palace, and with a long sigh, returned to her research. There were things she had to do; she had to stay here and preempt any backhand blow the king could muster. In the current situation, it was the safest decision for Lin to follow Bella back to the dukes' domain, away from the palace, where even the king's hands could not reach. Neither she nor Louise had ever considered the possibility of Bella stealing him from them; in their eyes Bella was only an innocent kid who would only ever call out sweetly to her brother Lin. On the other side Louise poured out her emotions into her diary, and judging by its contents alone she was far more unpredictable. [He's about to leave me for a short time. It could be half a month maybe longer.] [I want him so badly ......] [I want to monopolize him, and then, finally, to possess his clean heart.] [I want to chain him in silver and enshrine him in the basement as his most dedicated devotee.] [I want to preserve him in formalin and stare at him while fantasizing, spending every night in solitude.] I want to be his hands and eyes, to feel the world for him, to be all the beauty in his short life. Soon, very soon, in a little while, I will be able to solve all the problems, both the king and the others.] [Just a little more patience, just a little more patience~] After waving her emotions away, Louise's face was rosy as she bit her fingers, her mouth letting out hot breaths. Her eyes were more than a little misty, and her other hand slowly dug underneath herself, trying to get under the hem of her skirt. At the last moment she withdrew her hand, as Lin's most devout believer, she must leave every first time she can to Lin, she must give him her purest body and mind at the perfect time. Before that, she has to deal with all the troubles in the country. Closing the diary, Louise slipped it back inside the book and put it on the shelf. ...... The palace seemed really quiet today. Bella had stayed in Lin's mansion, helping him pack his belongings. He obviously packed clothes and such with him, but some of his research and materials in the mansion he had to either destroy or take with him. Not much remained after the sorting, just enough to fill two large wooden crates, which would then be taken out of the mansion in secret later. The king's men soon took action after Roden's defeat, and in less than a quarter of an hour a dozen powerful knights surrounded Lin's small building. They had no intention of confronting Bella, they simply surrounded the building to prevent Lin's escape. It was close to six o'clock and the sky was tinted blood red with flaming clouds, dyed by the setting sun. Bella summoned her knights and they left Lin's building carrying the three wooden boxes, they didn’t dare stop her because of her power and background. As Bella left, Lin stood on the side to see her off, his face hidden in the shadows of the house so that the knights could not see too well. When Bella had left, Lin closed the door and went back inside. The knights to his left and right looked at each other with an inexplicable unease, like something terrible was about to happen. As the time drew ever closer to seven o'clock, the atmosphere around them became more and more tense, the sky seemed to be consumed by a fire that slowly tinted it black. It was exactly seven o'clock when one of the king's cronies came to Lin's mansion to proclaim the order: "Your Highness Lin, it is time for your treatment, please come with us." At that moment, the air went still, and the unease in the knights' hearts reached the peak. The king's representative waited for a while, and when he saw that Lin was slow to come out he gave a wink to the knight next to him, signalling him to open the door and take a look. The latter nodded and trotted to the door, and just as he was about to open it the solid wood door was pushed open. "Creak." The ageing door did not have a pleasant sound, but the unease hanging over their hearts finally disappeared after seeing Lin's figure. "Your Highness Lin, please come with us, today's treatment is important." The king's crony said in a deep voice. He didn’t know if it was just his imagination, but he felt that Lin had been even more silent than usual, he just stood there with his head bowed as if he was a corpse. He shivered, a chill running down his spine. Lin did not reply, he just slightly nodded his head and followed behind the other man.

__________ The loli is a haraguro and Louise is thirsty beyond human comprehension. Good story development.

Thursday 1 December 2022

Yandere Princesses Ch7 - Does big bro Lin want to be king?

 "I'm sorry Third Princess, His Highness Lin is busy with important business right now and no one is allowed in."

Roden stopped Bella in her tracks. Apart from monitoring Lin, the King had also ordered him to do his best to prevent contact between Lin and Bella.

The exact reason for this was not clear to him, but rumors were that the Grand Duke was currently scheming to rebel and that even the third princess, Bella, had become an unpredictable variable.

In such a situation, the king did not want Lin to get too familiar with Bella.

Facing Bella, Roden was slightly more respectful. After all, the person in front of him was an existence he could not afford to mess with.

"Are you sure you want to stop me?" Bella's pupils contracted slightly, an icy aura emanating from her petite form.

"Sorry," said Roden, still blocking the way in.

Bella shook her head with disapproval and, without expressing any emotion, ordered the family knight behind her: "Break his legs and dispose of him."



Lin suddenly heard a violent explosion, and with it, the sound of a door shattering shook the house.

He frowned for a moment and attempted to burn the letter he just finished reading in the fireplace.

Right as he thought it would catch fire, it turned out to be useless; it was like an invisible force kept the flames out of reach.

There was something magical about it, but this magic was nothing in the face of the weight of the situation at hand.

After a few moments, the paper disappeared into thin air once more.

After leaving the room and locking the door, Lin intended to go and check on the noise, but a few steps later a small figure crashed into his arms: "Good afternoon, big bro Lin~"

This visitor was dressed in a long black princess dress, with dark hair reaching around her calves.

Her legs were tightly clad in a pair of white knee-high socks, ending in a pair of small black leather shoes.

The so-called stockings were a novelty, apparently imported from a distant, large country, and were currently becoming wildly popular here.

"Bella?" Lin called out to the girl softly resting in his arms.

"Why do you look so surprised to see me?" Bella lifted her head, a happy smile on her face.

Along with two cute dimples on her cheeks, she showed her trademark little teeth.

Lin asked, "Did you cause that explosion just now?"

"I couldn't help it, that knight called Roden tried to stop me from seeing Lin, so I had him beaten up."

She snuggled against Lin's arms and continued, "Brother Lin probably didn’t know but that guy pretending to be a knight was weaker than he looked. We made a bit of noise beating him down but... big bro Lin won't blame me for this, right?"

"I don’t particularly care if you beat him to death, but the king might get angry." Lin shook his head. He wasn't going to blame her for his behavior. He should have known better

TN: wow Lin is secretly a sigma

In fact, he and Bella always had a good relationship going and backed each other. In fact, a lot of the alchemical props in his house had been gifted to him by Bella.

"No, he won't. Father won’t live to see the end of the week." Bella grinned and stuck her tongue out.

If judged Bella only by her looks, you would have thought she was a mature, dutiful daughter.

In reality, Bella and the king did not have a good relationship, and she hated him ever since her mother died at his hand.

The kingdom entered this state of turmoil ten years ago, when the king married the first daughter of the grand duke's family - Bella's mother, to strengthen his grip on power.

What happened between them is unclear, but the kingdom was stable for a long time before Bella’s mother died.

After a decade or so had passed, the problems left alone could no longer be ignored, and the establishment was about to fall. The collapse of the kingdom seemed to be inevitable.

"Big bro Lin, let's make our escape now. This is the last day we can safely do it."

Bella clung to Rin's body and spoke; "Even a small dog can bite, let alone father, who holds his hand until the very end. This is the point where we have to make the first move, Lin is at the center of this mess and he is the most dangerous person."

Bella visibly struggled to say “father”, seemingly full of resentment.

To the king, Rin was his last ace, so under normal circumstances, the king would have used tonight's 'treatment' to do something.

At that point, the balance of power would have been upset and Louise and Elena would probably have gone all out, and he wouldn't have been surprised if the whole palace had been turned into purgatory in consequence.

The two of them are very laid back, but when it comes to something like this, they won't back down even if they have to turn into demons.

Yes, demons!

Bella knew how scary these two really were when they were mad. Compared to them, she would be considered a good girl. Hehe.

Considering Bella’s words, it was easy for Lin to imagine that tonight's 'treatment' would take a special turn.

No wonder Louise had called him early in the morning, no wonder Elena was waiting for him in the corridor, and it made sense why Bella had come to him this afternoon, they all had sensed something.

"Is it really possible to make an escape?" A sudden feeling of uncertainty welled up in Lin when he heard her say that.

Because of the letter he had just received, he had a burning desire to leave the palace, and within minutes of thinking back and forth, he heard Bella's offer of escape.

Was it a coincidence?

"It can be done, although Father is keeping a close watch on you. Tonight is the last chance.

Of course, I am not the only one who has prepared for this, my sisters have also contributed a great deal, and they have done much to set the stage for this day.

The only reason they didn’t tell you was they held reservations."

Bella didn't take all the credit for it; if it hadn't been for them, she would have had a hard time setting everything up on her own.

It was true that the three of them did not get along well, but they all agreed when it came to Lin, and that was to get him out of this mess.

They didn't want to see Lin get hurt, even if the possibility was minimal.

They could only settle their grievances when Lin was out of danger.

Lin: "Hmm... I see."

He was a bit puzzled, didn't Louise and Elena have something in mind for his body? Why would they let him escape?

Speaking of, wouldn’t this little girl in his arms be their prisoner?

Lin gently massaged Bella's smooth face, pulling it into all sorts of weird shapes, like handling dough.

Tired of the rubbing, Bella huffed and slapped Lin's hand away, crossing her arms and saying, "So, how about running away with me?"

She suddenly thought of something and pulled Lin's hand back, laying it down on her chest. Then she asked Lin, who looked quite shocked:

"Or does big bro Lin want to be king?"